I'm really really really really bored and I'm waiting my dad to come. What else, I can possibly do? I want to kill the person who made this world. ha ha. Today May 1st and I'm so bored in colombo. Hey. Why don't you people comment on my posts?
A Smile Changes Everything
There is a song in the play, “Annie”, which says: “You’re not fully dressed
without a smile.” To my surprise my lack of smiling had reduced me to
someone w...
New Freelance Job Site AwesomeWeb Launches
AwesomeWeb is the latest freelance job site to enter the market. It is a
“marriage” of the teams behind 1stWebDesigner and IncomeDiary. They claim
Cleaning Up After Your Dog - Is it Ethical?
Some behaviors are so widely accepted that we never stop to think about why
we're engaging in them, or to consider whether what's commonly deemed
"right" ...
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